Variographic Testing

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Variographic Testing

Variographic testing is a thorough assessment of a person’s truthfulness. The device—a lie detector or polygraph—records the body’s reactions to questions asked by a specialist. These reactions are subconscious and beyond the control of the person being tested. Simply put, these tests can reveal if the person is lying.

Variographic Testing – Lie Detector – How Can We Help You?

The purpose of lie detector testing is to determine whether the person is lying or to confirm their truthfulness. These tests are commonly used in court cases and can be admitted as evidence, backed by expert opinions. They often provide crucial information, which is why they are worth conducting. We offer comprehensive support and high-quality services for clients in this regard.

At KOB GROUP, variographic tests are conducted in collaboration with a certified laboratory equipped with advanced technology and data analysis tools. Specialists analyze the data (breathing, blood pressure, heart rate fluctuations, and various skin reactions) to determine the truthfulness of the individual. After receiving the results, we carry out an in-depth analysis with the client. To learn more, we encourage you to contact our specialists.

When Is a Lie Detector Test Useful?

Truthfulness checks are often used by entrepreneurs, for example, during the recruitment of new employees or to assess the activities of current employees. Employers may also use the lie detector to check for fraud, theft, or other crimes that damage the company’s reputation or finances. Variographic testing is highly effective in these situations. The lie detector can also help verify addictions to alcohol or drugs, or even evaluate potential business partners’ intentions.

We provide lie detector tests in Warsaw not only for company owners but also for private clients. The tool can even be used to check a partner’s fidelity or identify family members involved in theft. Results from lie detector tests make identifying guilty parties much easier. Additionally, lie detector tests can help prove innocence, especially when false accusations are damaging to a person’s reputation or mental health.

We invite you to contact us for more details on lie detector testing. We ensure comprehensive support and discretion while conducting specialist variographic testing for clients in Warsaw and surrounding areas.






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