Working as a Classified Information Protection Officer

Detectives in Warsaw ›› Working as a Classified Information Protection Officer

Working as a Classified Information Protection Officer

Any company intending to process classified information within its own facilities must employ a Classified Information Protection Officer. This officer reports directly to the head of the relevant organizational unit and is responsible for ensuring that the company fulfills the obligations imposed by classified data protection regulations.

Table of Contents

What is Classified Information?

Classified information is defined as information, the unauthorized disclosure of which could cause harm to the Republic of Poland or be detrimental to its interests. The protection of such data is necessary for any entity that possesses information classified as “top secret,” “secret,” “confidential,” or “restricted.” The only reliable solution to ensure the adequate security of such data is to establish a secret office or a specially designated room for processing classified information.

What Conditions Must the Classified Information Protection Officer Meet?

A Classified Information Protection Officer must be a Polish citizen with a university degree, hold a security clearance issued by the Internal Security Agency (ABW) or Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW), and possess a certificate of training in classified information.

Additional Requirements for Candidates for This Position:

    • Knowledge of the provisions of the Law on Protection of Classified Information and relevant executive acts
    • Ability to draft procedures and instructions
    • Analytical thinking skills
    • Independence and resilience under stress
    • Consent to an extended security clearance for access to classified information
    • Full exercise of public rights
    • No prior conviction for intentional crimes or intentional fiscal offenses

Employment Process

The Classified Information Protection Act of 5 August 2010 states that a Classified Information Protection Officer is employed by appointment, designation, or assignment. This means that the role does not necessarily require hiring a new employee solely for this position. An existing employee may serve as the Classified Information Protection Officer, provided their current duties do not conflict with the responsibilities of the security role. The Act does not prescribe a specific form of employment contract for the officer; the contract type is generally agreed upon by the Head of the Organizational Unit and the Classified Information Protection Officer. The appointment must be in writing and include the appointee’s details, their direct reporting line to the Head of the Organizational Unit, the legal basis for the appointment, and the signature of the head. The manager may also appoint one or more deputies for the officer, who must meet the same requirements as the primary officer. Detective Bureau Warsaw KOB GROUP


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